Weekend HW Set

And I'm doing this with the reason that Kenneth is lazy. *waves* Hi Kenneth!

I'm not really credible when it comes to HW compilations, but please tell me if I have missed something.

1. English
~If you haven't finished reading Dead Stars, you should since we'll probably talk about it on Monday.

2. Soc Sci
~Read the Viewpoints and Views. To those who don't have a copy since they weren't able to receive it at dismissal, I might scan it and put it up, so just wait first. (Too lazy to scan today.)

3. STR
~June 22: Medicine Man Reaction Paper
Format is...
Letter size, Arial 11, 1.5 line-pacing, 1-inch margin, 3-5 pages long.

Format of 1st page:
Name: C.N.:
Section: Date Submitted:

Questions to be answered:
  1. What was the problem they thought they solved in the beginning?
  2. Describe the research process they did.
  3. Pure or Applied. Explain.
  4. What equipments did you see/were used in the movie? What are the functions of these equipment?
  5. What is the movies impact on you?
~June 25: Due date of STR topics.
It's 3 topics per person. I forgot to copy the format though. >.<

4. Filipino
~June 22: Day of partner describing.

The paired up thing where you have to describe the physical attributes of your partner. Must last until 5 minutes if possible. >.<

~June 24: Due date of Paper

To be typed on a short bond paper, font size-12 and double-spaced. We're supposed to describe any person and as much as possible a real person.

5. Math
~We have nothing as a HW, which scares me. I have an ominous feeling something will happen on June 21, Monday, when we get back. Just... prepare yourself because Sir Tacuboy is not a superhero, but a evil genius. xD

6. Com Sci
~Java people.... we have... NOTHING! :)) Um... for webdev, please comment so I can edit. xD

~On June 28, the last Monday of the month, there will be tree planting in the morning. This means there will be classes in the afternoon, but on all probability none in the morning.

~Our class acque will be on June 25 or in other words, the nearing Friday. We'll be talking about the details during HR like food you'd like, game suggestions and you know... shiz for it. xD Make sure you have STR topics by then, you don't want to ruin the party spirit by trying to think of STR topics minutes before the due time.

Compiled by:
Ailia Kate Kira (Thea)



Math is freaky. D:

For the STR format, it's just
Name: Section:
Proposed Solution:
Specifications: (expected outcome/results)
*Rank of Preference

Ohh, we'll have a "special assessment" for Bio, too. (I have no idea what that means, though, teachers seem to like being vague.)

CreW people have homework. XD

And I've been scanning documents for my father since I came home, and that's been over an hour and a half ago. D:

By the way, for the photocopied readings:

There are eight that are missing "Scent of Apples," three missing "Scent of Apples," "Wedding Dance," and "Children of the Ash-Covered Loam." Then there's one stray Letter to Pedro, and one stray Wedding Dance that looks like it belongs to Rb because it has the class number on the upper right corner.


yeah. the xerox thing totally ruined my day yesterday :))

Sodium 2012

thanks, thea, for posting. and leona, too. :D


Ahhh labo ng xerox. meh :|

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