Bio HW (by lab group) on Endocrine and Reproductive System

This is due on February 28, 2011 (Monday).

Endocrine System
  1. Differentiate between (+) and (-) feedback. Why are feedback mechanisms important in regulating hormone production?
  2. Why can hormones only affect specific cells and not others?
  3. Describe the role of hormones in invertebrates.
  4. Differentiate between the mode of action of a peptide/protein hormone vs that of a steroid/thyroid hormone.
  5. Why are signal transduction pathways important?
  6. Describe the roles of the hormones (GnRH, LH, FSH, estrogen, progesterone) secreted by the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, and ovary in regulating the female reproductive cycle.
Reproductive System
  1. Describe the different mechanism of asexual reproduction (e.g. fission, budding, gemmules, fragmentation).
  2. Compare the internal and external fertilization and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each.
  3. Compare the structure of the sperm cell with that of the egg cell.
  4. Describe the events that occur during fertilization.
  5. Label the parts and give the functions of the parts of the human reproductive system.


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